Find inspiration in the patterns of decorative tiles: whatever your style, transform any environment in your home with a touch of creativity.
Decorative ceramic tiles for walls and floors are characterised by patterns, textures, and colours that make them a striking aesthetic addition to any space. In addition to their practical function, they add a distinct personality to the room in which they’ve been installed, fitting right into well-defined styles, ranging from classic to modern and from rustic to sophisticated.
Decorative tiles are much more than just a wall covering: they are a true interior design element that adds personality and character to any environment. There are a wide variety of decorative tiles available on the market, able to suit every taste and need.
In addition to the most commonly used shapes (square and rectangle), you may be tempted by more original and more “decorative” formats, though these are, ultimately, more traditional. Calling them “decorative”, highlights their ability to not only clad a space, but to characterise it solely through their shape, regardless of graphic textures and colours. These can be seen as “classic” formats because they manage to look ancient and modern at the same time:
Quanto all’estetica del rivestimento, il vero limite è la fantasia. Sul mercato si trovano decori di qualsiasi ispirazione (floreali, geometrici, figurativi o astratti) ciascuno interpretato secondo gli stili più diversi e spesso in più di una variante cromatica. Qui gli unici criteri da tenere in considerazione nella scelta sono il proprio gusto e la coerenza del soggetto col progetto di interior design complessivo. Non va dimenticato che, specie per le piastrelle di piccolo formato, anche il colore può rivelarsi uno strumento decorativo potentissimo. Similmente a quanto avviene per il mosaico (o per la pixel art), infatti, la dimensione ridotta del formato consente di creare pose con pattern e disegni generati dall’accostamento di pezzi monocromatici.
Porcelain stoneware is a type of industrial ceramic produced through an innovative process that makes it exceptionally durable and versatile. The raw materials are heated to temperatures close to their melting point, which makes this material extremely compact. This results in extraordinary technical characteristics, which are highly valued in various applications: flooring, cladding, worktops, facades, pools, and large public spaces, also outdoors. Of these characteristics, particular emphasis must be placed on the virtually non-existent porosity, something which makes porcelain stoneware non-absorbent and impervious to dirt.
In contrast to handcrafted ceramics and cement tiles, porcelain stoneware guarantees total integration of the decorative surface with the body of the tile. In fact, the decoration is applied before the tile is fired, a process that leads to vitrification, or the near fusion of various components into a new, ultra-compact material. This results in decorated tiles with outstandingly durable colours and patterns, far surpassing those of handcrafted products.
Today’s decorative technologies achieve astonishing levels of detail, but that’s not all. They also increase the variety of graphics that can be applied to tiles, resulting in surfaces with few identical pieces and which are difficult to distinguish. Thanks to this characteristic of porcelain stoneware, industrial tile cladding tends to replicate the same variability as that of artisan tiles, in which every single piece is unique.
Now let’s take a look at today’s most popular trends in decorative ceramics and how Panaria interprets them, starting with vertical surfaces.
When it comes to decorative tiles, bathrooms and kitchens are the environments that, traditionally, most use textures, mosaics, cement tiles, and colourful elements. However, the world of interior design is ever-more frequently choosing ceramic decorations to enhance niches, wainscoting, or entire walls in any residential or commercial environment. Let’s see how, with examples from Panaria’s catalogue:
Valutiamo ora due opzioni dall’eleganza classica e intramontabile per decorare un pavimento. Entrambe chiamano in causa due look di grande successo come il marmo e il legno: